Planted July 4, 2024
Reading time: 1 minute
Tags: Test
Important gatling commands
For starting recorder
mvnw.cmd gatling:recorder
For Running the gatling simulations
mvnw.cmd gatling:test
Running the Simulation:
Use the following command to run your specific simulation class:
mvnw.cmd gatling:test -Dgatling.simulationClass=MySimulation
If you are using a Unix-based system (Linux or Mac), you would use:
./mvnw gatling:test -Dgatling.simulationClass=MySimulation
As one of the famous personalities said , AI IS DANGEROUS , we need to agree to the fact that it is dangerous and fun too
Danagerous aspect of it , everything which requires human brains are going to be replaced Why it is fun ? it will be fun learning and understanding what it can do and how we can make use of it to make our lives comfortable
Which Areas You can think , we can make use of AI ?
1)Test Documentation - This is a repetitive and boring task 2)Automation Tools with AI Integration - You just need to know how to communicate it to your model and get the code from it and use it 3)Code Reviews , Vulnerability Scans 4)Capturing all the webElements with meaningful Names from left to right using AI (Gives POM file in Java/Python or whichever language is requested)–>Pain Point
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